Bloke Skier Museum
The Bloke Skier Museum is a new permanent exhibition dedicated to the Bloke skier and the life of the people from Bloke in the olden days. Bloke skiing represents very important national cultural heritage. Skis from Bloke are the oldest documented skis in this part of Europe, which is why Bloke is...
Muzej Bloški smučar
Nova vas 4g
1385 Nova vas
45.774193, 14.507026

Cave under the Predjama Castle
The Cave under Predjama Castle is the second longest cave in Slovenia and extends across four levels. The length of all the currently discovered parts is 13 km. The tourist section is 700 m long and the tour lasts 45 min. The cave has no electric lighting and visitors are provided with flashlights...
Postojnska jama d.d.
Jamska cesta 28
6230 Postojna
45.815847, 14.126715

Ecomuseum of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka
The Ecomuseum of the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka presents the story of water in the Karst world of Upper Pivka. The specific geological composition of the area in combination with the irregularly distributed rainfall creates drastic changes in the water level of the Karst groundwater. At high water, as...
Eko muzej Pivških presihajočih jezer
Slovenska vas 10
6257 Pivka
45.701143, 14.211718

Explore the Wondernature is a unique programme for exploring and discovering the natural wonders of karstic Slovenia. With the help of experienced professionals and locals, we will introduce you to the life in the karst landscape and one of the last pieces of wilderness in Europe. Through exclusive...
DMC Green Karst
45.68368, 14.19614

EXPO Postojna Cave Karst
As part of the experience of the subterranean world, visitors to the Postojna Cave Park can take a look at an interesting exhibition which unveils the mysteries of the underground world. EXPO Postojna Cave Karst is intended for people who would like to gain a more in-depth understanding of the Karst...
Postojnska jama
Jamska cesta 30
6230 Postojna
45.780584, 14.205762

Jezerski hram - Museum of Lake Cerknica
Jezerski hram - Museum of Lake Cerknica is the first and only museum entirely dedicated to the unique Karst phenomenon of Lake Cerknica. The museum features various ethnological exhibitions, stories and landscapes of Lake Cerknica, and the main part – the living models of the lake, which show...
Jezerski hram, Zavod za ohranjanje naravne in kulturne dediščine
Dolenje jezero 1 E
1380 Cerknica
45.776895, 14.360693

Križna Cave
Križna Cave is one of the most beautiful water tourist caves in Slovenia. 22 emerald lakes are connected by a crystal-clear subterranean stream, side tunnels are strewn with prehistoric cave bear bones, and based on the number of different species of cave animals, Križna Cave ranks among the richest...
Društvo ljubiteljev Križne jame
Bloška polica 7
1384 Grahovo
45.745459, 14.467418

Lake Cerknica
Lake Cerknica and its regular disappearances and re-emergences caught the eye of researchers already in the 17th century and has been researched and marvelled upon ever since. Lake Cerknica is one of the best starting points for nature lovers and people who enjoy exploring the mysteries of the Karst...
Notranjski regijski park
Tabor 42
1380 Cerknica
45.773533, 14.357508
Lake Klivnik
Lake Klivnik is a reservoir in the Municipality of Ilirska Bistrica. It is located in the heart of the Brkini Hills, nestled in between picturesque hills, which is why it offers many possibilities to spend an active holiday. The lake is 2.8 km long and reaches the depth of 28 m. Among fishermen, the...
45.557994, 14.170029
Lake Mola
Lake Mola is a reservoir created in 1979 with the building of a dam on the Molja Stream in the Brkini Hills in order to regulate the water levels of the Reka River. This resulted in the flooding of a few houses, including a mill, the ruins of which can still be seen poking out of the water. The...
Ribiški dom Ilirska Bistric
6250 Ilirska Bistrica
45.542444 , 14.195532

Large Carnivore Center DINA Pivka
"Visit the unique and educational-fun center in Slovenia. The Center of Large Carnivores DINA Pivka is situated in the heart of Pivka and represents a central point in Slovenia for a comprehensive understanding of the world of large carnivores and coexistence with them. Experience the fascinating...
Center o velikih zvereh DINA Pivka
Prečna ulica 1
6257 Pivka
45.68354846010648, 14.194919656227935

Lipica Stud Farm
The appeal of the Lipica Stud Farm lies in the stories, which have been written for more than 500 years by people and the Lipizzaners - one of the oldest cultural horse breeds in the world. The stud farm and the estate hide many gems, which the visitors can discover. The main focus of all the tours...
Kobilarna Lipica
Lipica 5
6210 Sežana
45.666984, 13.880917
Mašun Forest Education Trail
Mašun is an old forest settlement in the heart of the vast Snežnik forests. Nearby, weaving its way through the most beautiful parts of the forest, is the Mašun Forest Education Trail. These forests are also referred to as “Park” as they are protected and groomed so that...
45.630701, 14.371309

Park of Military History Pivka
The Park of Military History is a museum and tourist centre housed in the complex of the old army barracks in Pivka. The barracks were built by the Kingdom of Italy around 1930 for the defence of the Rapallo border, while the Yugoslav People's Army resided in the premises between 1945 and 1991....
Park vojaške zgodovine Pivka
Kolodvorska cesta 51
6257 Pivka
45.668132, 14.188485

Planina Cave
Planina Cave is located on the southern fringes of the Planina Field, a stone's throw away from the Ravbar Tower, in a pocket valley that was once part of a cave, underneath a 65-metre-high precipitous rock face. During high water, you will be greeted by the mighty roar of the Unica River as you...
Jamarsko društvo Planina
Planina 2
6232 Planina
45.820859, 14.246500

Postojna Cave
The Postojna Cave is a world-famous attraction. It is the most visited tourist Karst cave in Europe, and in 2018 it celebrates 200 years of organised tours. The legendary tourist cave train takes you into the marvellous subterranean Karst tunnels, galleries and halls. Postojna Cave is the only Karst...
Postojnska jama d.d.
Jamska cesta 28
6230 Postojna
45.783030 , 14.203842

Predjama treasure cache
The Predjama treasure cache is on display in the Notranjska Museum Postojna as part of the permanent exhibition "Kras". The treasure find is one of the museum's biggest attractions. The find includes ten silver and gilded items of secular use: a chalice, three goblets, a cup with a cover,...
Notranjski muzej Postojna
Kolodvorska cesta 5
6230 Postojna
45.777295 , 14.217344

Prem Castle
Prem Castle is a medieval castle in the Brkini Hills, which has dominated the entire area of the Reka River Valley for more than 700 years. A museum collection on the castles and mansions of the Reka River Basin is on display in the renovated interior of the castle. The interesting exhibition featuring...
Grad Prem
Prem 40
6255 Prem
45.605376 , 14.185274
Rakov Škocjan
Rakov Škocjan is a Karst valley which was formed with the collapse of a cave ceiling that left behind one of the most beautiful nature parks in Slovenia. The Rak River meanders across the entire valley, running under the Little and Big Natural Bridge and creating a unique landscape for nature...
Notranjski regijski park
Tabor 42
1380 Cerknica
45.788772, 14.297750

Seasonal Lakes of Pivka
The Pivka Basin is home to seventeen picturesque seasonal lakes of different sizes and varying degrees of permanence, which attract nature lovers with their mysteriousness and unpredictability. The Seasonal Lakes of Pivka are formed where high Karst waters flood large and small depressions. Here you...
Eko muzej Pivških presihajočih jezer
Slovenska vas 10
6257 Pivka
45.70643, 14.21934

Rising above Lake Cerknica at 1114 m above sea level is the Slivnica Hill, which is the home of witches according to local folklore. You can either hike the hill or drive to the top, and it is also a popular take off spot for parachuting and hang-gliding. The top of the witches' home offers you...
45.790000 , 14.407778

Snežnik Castle
Snežnik Castle is one of only two castles in Slovenia with a preserved authentic interior and is one of the most attractive cultural monuments of Notranjska and Slovenia. Its natural surroundings are equally amazing. The castle and the estate with its park and outbuildings are designated cultural...
Grad Snežnik
Kozarišče 67
1386 Stari trg pri Ložu
45.682735, 14.469097

The settlement of Sviščaki is located at the foot of Mt. Snežnik and is a perfect starting point for exploring the High Karst and for walks through the Snežnik forests. Two trails can be found in Sviščaki - the Sviščaki Forest Education Trail and the View of Snežnik Walking...
Planinski dom Sviščaki
Sviščaki 1
6250 Ilirska Bistrica
45.574309 , 14.401081

The Šilentabor Hill is located between the Košana Valley and the Pivka Basin and represents one of the most beautiful viewpoints in the area. In the past, Šilentabor was of great significance, especially due to its strategic location. From the 15th century onwards, this was the...
45.648878 , 14.208027

Škocjan Caves
The Škocjan Caves are a unique natural phenomenon, the work of the Reka River, which springs at the foot of Mt. Snežnik and runs across the surface for approximately 55 km. When it reaches the Karst and its limestone ground, its riverbed is no longer deepened solely by erosion, but it starts...
Informacijski center Parka Škocjanske jame
Matavun 12
6215 Divača
45.663137 , 13.989210

The Alps
The Alps are a mountain system in Central Europe, which stretches all the way from the Gulf of Genoa in Italy to the Danube River near Vienna. They stretch across France, Italy, Austria, Lichtenstein, Germany, Switzerland and Slovenia. The Slovenian Alps consist of three different geographical regions...
Infocenter Triglavska roža Bled
Ljubljanska cesta 27
4260 Bled
46.368901 , 14.118786

The Karst Museum
The Karst Museum is a permanent exhibition of the greatest treasures of the Classical Karst, hosted by the Notranjska Museum in Postojna. The exhibition takes you on a journey from the formation of the Karst landscape to the modern life in this area. The first floor gives you a dynamic introduction...
Notranjski muzej Postojna
Kolodvorska cesta 5
6230 Postojna
45.777295 , 14.217344

The Predjama Castle
The Predjama Castle is the largest cave castle in the world. It has been sitting embedded into the rock cliff, 123 metres above the valley floor, for more than 800 years. It is connected to the cave below with a series of mysterious underground tunnels. Picturesque, mysterious and full of legends, the...
6230 Postojna
45.815847, 14.126715

The Stara Dama Museum
The “Stara Dama (the Old Lady) Museum is located right next to the world-famous Predjama Castle. The collection tell the stories of the First World War and hunting on Slovenian soil. The area of the Green Karst has always been of great strategic importance and has been conquered by...
Muzej Stara dama
Predjama 13
6230 Postojna
45.814670, 14.128264
The Zalesje Partisan Hospital
The Zalesje Partisan Hospital was in operation continuously from November 1943 to January 1945, with over 200 wounded and ill fighters treated in the most secluded part of Brkini. It consisted of hospital cabins, warehouses, hideouts, an operating theater and a kitchen. A hiking trail leads to the...
45.61739, 14.10485

Visitor center Lake Cerknica
Welcome to the Notranjska Regional Park. You enter a protected area of nature, among the precious natural pearls, the land of the locals, which, with careful maintenance, has been closely associated with it for centuries. Help you maintain this beauty too - by respectful behavior and behavior...
Dolenje Jezero 68, 1380 Cerknica
45.77293353880543 , 14.35748949794616