Slovenia Green – sustainable tourism providers from Green Karst

Date: 18 May 2020
The Green Karst destination pursues sustainable principles and encourages managers of tourist attractions and owners of tourist facilities to behave more sustainably. In 2019 and 2020, we acquired two users of the world-renowned Green Key logo, namely: • Pension Miriam • Notranjska Museum Postojna
The Green Karst destination pursues sustainable principles and encourages managers of tourist attractions and owners of tourist facilities to behave more sustainably. In 2019 and 2020, we acquired two users of the world-renowned Green Key logo, namely:
• Pension Miriam
• Notranjska Museum Postojna
The certification process covers the areas of environmental management, staff involvement, guest information, washing and cleaning, waste, energy, food and beverage, indoor environment, green spaces, administration, outdoor activities, corporate social responsibility.
Among the currently verified environmental labels in Slovenia, the Pavlin family, who manage Penzoion MIrjam, have opted for the Green Key, which is largely in line with their business vision and long-term sustainable development plans and is the leading international standard of excellence in environmental responsibility and sustainable development. activities in tourism.
Acquisition of the Green Key label is important for our destination and for the entire tourist offer of our country, because in Slovenia only a limited numbers of Green keys were awarded.
The Pavlin family will thus enter the international network with an exceptional opportunity for additional promotion and an increased number of guests who are willing to pay more for their services.
The Green Key Certificate is the leading standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation in the tourism industry. This prestigious eco-label signifies the commitment of companies to comply with the strict criteria set by the FEE International Foundation for Environmental Education in certified facilities.
The Green Key environmental label assures all guests that by choosing a certified tourist facility, they directly contribute to the protection of the environment. The plants maintain high environmental standards through strict documentation and frequent inspections. The Green Key certificate can be obtained by hotels and hostels, smaller accommodation establishments, camps and holiday parks, congress centers, restaurants and tourist attractions.
With the acquisition of the Green Key and Green Attraction sustainable label, the NOTRANJSKA MUSEUM POSTOJNA has positioned itself on the Slovenian, European and global markets as an environmentally and socially friendly museum.
The Notranjska Museum Postojna has decided to become the first Slovenian museum and reward its existing GREEN POLICY, formally place it in its operations and verify its sustainable and environmentally and socially responsible operations and activities through international standards and criteria by conducting a certification process to obtain sustainability certificate Green Key and also successfully received it.
Acquiring the Green Key environmental label is an additional source of promotion for our museum, as it tells potential visitors that the museum meets strict environmental criteria and actively, efficiently and in an organized way improves its sustainable business.
Within the field of environmental management, we also proved, among other things, active mutual cooperation with the local community. This cooperation is at the same time a precondition for the placement of local communities and tourism providers in the system of the Green Scheme of Slovenian Tourism - ZSST, which is a national program and certification scheme under the umbrella brand
• combines all efforts for the sustainable development of tourism in Slovenia,
• offers destinations and providers concrete tools to assess and improve sustainable performance,
• through the Slovenia Green brand, it also promotes this green operation.
After obtaining the Green Key logo - one of the internationally recognized sustainable or environmental signs recognized in ZSST and signing the GREEN POLICY OF SLOVENIAN TOURISM, the Notranjska Museum Postojna also met the conditions for entering the scheme and the conditions for obtaining the Slovenia Green Attraction logo. This interaction with the local community is also an important criterion in assessing the destination itself for obtaining the GREEN label, which, upon entering this system - GREEN DESTINATION, also had to prove that it cooperates, trains and promotes the tourism industry in terms of sustainable business.
We believe that with initiatives and incentives in the field of sustainable development of the environment and society, we will also co-create the sustainable development of our local, regional and all-Slovenian community.